
Monday, June 18, 2012

How to Deal with Bedwetting in Children

By the age of six, it is expected that children would have started having regular dry nights; however this is not the case in a number of children as they still have frequent wet nights even past the age of six. Bed wetting or nocturnal enuresis or sleep enuresis is a common cause of worry and at times frustration for the parents and a great cause of embarrassment for the kids especially when their other siblings are not doing so. It is more common among boys than girls and is usually a normal process that children go through which, would be outgrown with time, probably when the child gains better bladder control. It is also important to note that bed wetting is genetic; hence there is a higher chance of bed wetting in children whose parents also did same as kids.

Stress and anxiety can also trigger bed wetting especially in children that otherwise have stopped bed wetting. Constipation and also urinary tract infections can cause bed wetting. Parents should therefore have it at the back of their minds that most children do not wet their bed intentionally, and so getting mad at them would not solve the issue rather, it might end up worsening the situation.

Here are some tips to help handle the situation better:

  • Encourage your child to drink less fluid in the evenings
  • Let him know that he is not alone, that it is a normal process kids outgrow and that other children are doing it. Let him know you did it at a time, this way he’ll surely feel better
  • Do not tease him  or let him be teased because of this as he might lose his self confidence
  • Use positive reinforcement; reward him when he has dry nights
  • Do not ignore him totally, let him have some sense of responsibility depending on his age by helping take out his bed sheet when he wets the bed
  • Encourage him to use the bathroom at night and make his surrounding less scary for him( cos children are easily scared) by placing night bulbs in the passage and bathroom for easier access
  • You can attach bed time alarms on their clothing; this buzzes and alerts the child whenever he starts getting wet
  • Some people opt for medications but this has rebound effects as children tend to rebound once the medication is stopped
  • Imbibe the habit of eating fruits and vegetables as it will prevent constipation
  • Use mackintosh or other similar materials on their bed to lessen the overall effect on the mattress
Check out for stressors that could be affecting your child and address them. You could also visit your child’s paediatrician if your child suddenly starts having wet nights after a long period of dry nights.

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